Cool Op Art Sphere Drawings · Craftwhack

You very well may have seen these pop fine art spheres before, because they're cool and they're all over the sometime Pinterest. Only they're likewise the sort of project you lot can't just look at and move on. They MUST Be TRIED. And attempt them I did. And they are as as fun to draw as they look.

If you aren't familiar with the term 'Op Art', it's brusk for Optical Art, which basically is art that plays with the ways your eyeballs see and process certain visual information. Your eyeballs can go al wacky if y'all look at some Op Art for too long. I fact, I'm not certain how people can deal with behemothic pieces of Op Art hanging in their homes without losing their minds.


Paper (utilize thicker newspaper like White bill of fare stock)



Markers (use 2 colors for maximum awesomeness)

Trace around something round to make a circumvolve or three on the surface of your paper. Any size(due south) are fine, and draw them anywhere on the paper. I traced around a tin can of chickpeas. I love chickpeas.

Using your ruler, draw a grid of pencil lines all over the paper, avoiding the circles.

Op Art Spheres Project

Next, depict grids of lines on each circle. You starting time with a straight line down the center, then gently curve them equally you draw lines out to the edge of the circle. This gives the circles the illusion of three-dimensionality.

Your grids can be positioned whatsoever mode. I made 2 that were 'straight', as compared to the background, and one was all wonky. See?

Now you can go in and color everything- I've seen these looking actually absurd in black and white, but I chose to get all superhero and use blood-red and bluish.

Op Art Sphere drawings


The last affect is to make 'em Pop! Basically, you just take a pencil, and draw a shadow with the edge of the pencil point. Offset lightly on 1 exterior border of the circle, darkening a piddling bit right at the edge, and lightening it a petty every bit you get out, I like to smudge it with my finger.

Op Art Spheres Drawing Project

If you have non nevertheless discovered the magic that is pencil smudging, you volition want to practice and so stat. Practice making marks and shapes with a pencil on paper and smudging them around with a finger. Such a cool technique.

So, anyway. Make these and then show me what you lot all made. Here. Simply go ahead and mail service your photo to Facebook or Instagram and tag me. Facebook Instagram

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How to make a really cool pop art sphere drawing

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What do you think?

Joanne Gonzales has a passion for getting creative. Whether she is making personalized DIY gifts or taking part in larger craft projects, she puts her all into making new and beautiful things.

She lives with a grouping of close friends and believes in the natural way of life. Joanne has built an outdoor craft gallery that overlooks the countryside in her hometown, which is where all of her creations come to life.

Art started off as a hobby, but over time Joanne has mastered her skills and sold some of her favorite pieces. She works total time as a florist and has done for many years. It helps keep her creative juices flowing and she hopes to ane day open her own florist shop with a twist.


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